
December 23, 2010

A Marry Merry Christmas!

Twenty-four years ago this week I had the most unique or unusual proposal of marriage of anyone I've ever spoken to. This proposal came at a place and time that exhibited the Holiday spirit, but not in the ways you'd think. In fact as I look back I still laugh and cry over the experience. And, I believe it's safe to say, it's a one of a kind proposal.

We were both in Los Angeles at that time. The weather was beautiful and warm and the beaches were perfect. The beach was where he first told me he loved me. We sat on a lifeguard tower at night. The moon shone bright. A red tide warning had been issued, which in the light of the moon made the tide glow turquoise green as it tumbled toward shore.

Shortly thereafter (Christmas Eve) he took me to Hill Street in Downtown Los Angeles, where we picked out my ring. I enjoyed doing this as a couple; walking around LA wasn't the most romantic of spots, but we picked out a sparkling diamond that he could afford and I wear it proudly.

It was then that the peculiar circumstances began to unfold, circumstances that I recognize now as a discovery of how much he truly loved me and how entertaining, unpredictable and joyful our future together would be and has been.

After purchasing the ring we walked to our parking spot, which was between two impressively expansive buildings. I could feel my husband-to-be's excitement. His eyes twinkled and he couldn't stop smiling as we drove down the alley towards the exit. But, blocking the alley stood a large garbage truck preparing to empty loads of trash into a gigantic dumpster in the alley. The kind of alley dumpster that CSI investigators pull out bodies.

Well, we couldn't back out so we waited, the little box containing the ring sat between us and Christmas music played on the radio.

I sat wondering that since we picked the ring out together and I knew what was coming, when would he put it on my finger and ask me officially? I decided to ask him. He grinned even bigger--if that was even possible--and he picked up the box and said, "How about now?"

I glanced nervously around. In front of us the garbage truck bounced the container upside down streaming the contents of days of discarded chicken, orange peelings, cans, whiskey bottles and carnage into the back of the garbage truck.

Next to me, a homeless man decided it would be a good time to unzip his pants and relieve himself as I yelled inside my head, "NO, OH PLEASE NO." A nice arching yellow, water stream began sprinkling against the wall of the building next to the car and my wide-open eyes.

Then, I felt a warm hand on mine, and I looked into the eyes of the young man sitting next to me...FULL of love and kindness and generosity. AND I realized how lucky I was! ALL he saw was me! MY face and our love for each other.

Never mind the smell of garbage tumbling down, never mind the man still spraying his waterfall on the wall, never mind that we weren't in a gloriously romantic setting on the beach or enjoying a candlelit dinner. The love of my life had all his thoughts on me. His total focus was on me, his future bride. What more could any bride ask for?

Today, as I think back to these humble beginnings, I'm reminded once again about the importance of blocking out those things that don't matter and concentrating on that which matters most. The man that I love and who I will spend the eternities with and the beautiful family that we've created together. What could be more in keeping with the Holiday Spirit than to have this as a primary focus during this time and always. I am truly blessed.

MARRY Merry Christmas!


Karen Mello Burton said...

Aw, such a sweet memory! I hope your family had a fab Christmas. :)

Debra said...

Hi Wendy,
I enjoyed A Marry Merry Christmas!
Beautiful story. Lovely writing.
Happy publishing!
Meet your newest follower.
Hope you'll swing by and visit
me too. Company is always welcome:)