Today I pulled up my blog and beheld a caption stating "removed and deleted."
I had a momentary PANIC ATTACK until I discovered that my blog still existed, but sometime during the summer the image became changed and distorted because the template needed adjusting, due to the fact that there's now a fantastic and easy new design tool. I apologize for anyone who may have seen the ugly mess my blog had become!
I have also discovered that I have HOURS of CATCH UP! All the wonderful blogger friends I have been reading and now I feel totally out of the loop! I'm in need of a device for a fast download of all the blogs I have missed reading to go straight into my brain at the speed of light!
Not only am I feeling out of the loop, but I take the whole summer off from social networking and I'm still not done with the review and edit of my manuscript. But, I am close!
Maybe this is because of the vacation to Ouray, Colorado (It's hard to breath and people get irritated at 13,200 feet); or the vacation to Jackson and the Tetons(beautiful place to golf); or maybe because I enjoyed sitting by the pool (I could have brought my laptop out with me, but I'm positive the sun would have damaged it! I should have tried rubbing that SPF 100 on my computer, which is like covering it with a wool blanket, right?)
Maybe, it's because my two daughters are leaving for college on Monday and I just wanted to enjoy the time with them. And, as a family we have made memories and enjoyed guilt-free time together: cousins coming over, 50th birthday for my husband (nice red walker), bike rides and racing back home to see who's the most in shape (I'm not saying who won or lost), dancing with Jumanji (yes, our bird dances and works out).
Whatever the reason for my "summer off"--sometimes I just need a reminder that it's OK to keep things in balance, and for me, family always comes first! So, now that I'm not feeling guilty, I'll be diving in to the posts I've missed.